Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Exam stress tips


Now with all of our essentials, end of year tests, formal assessments and GCSE's looming over us it seems like there has never been more of a need for finding ways to cope with the stress and techniques in exam preparation.

Don't compare yourself to your friends and their abilities, everyone has different strengths.

  • Don't leave exams prep until the night before
  • Make lots of revision notes
  • Try not to compare your answers to other peoples because it makes you worry even more
Finally always trust in yourself and don't overthink or panic about exams just keep calm. 

English Experts of the Week ~ Molly Wood 8E

English Stars Of The Week

Mrs Robinson awarded:
Tyler Jesson
Holly Crawford

Miss Higgs awarded:
Eve Wagstaff
Jessica Johnson

English Stars Of The Week

Mr Duncan awarded:

Olivia Fletcher

Mrs Robinson awarded:

Josh Cahill
Morgan Caldwell
Harry Pickervance

Mrs Tierney awarded:

Ellie Callaghan

Mr Bentham awarded:

Aaron Turner

Miss Higgs awarded:

Anna Corkill
Natalie Dennis
Matthew Silvester

Mrs Armstrong awarded:
Charlotte Fawcett

Mrs Sweeney-Jones:
Jessica Carrington

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

English Stars of the Week ~ Molly Wood 8E

English Stars Of The Week

Mr Duncan awarded:
Olivia Fletcher

Mrs Robinson awarded:
Morgan Caldwell
Josh Cahill
Harry Pickervance

Mrs Tierney awarded:
Ellie Callaghan

Mr Bentham awarded:
Aaron Turner 

Miss Higgs awarded:
Anna Corkill
Natalie Dennis
Matthew Silvester

Mrs Armstrong awarded:
Charlotte Fawcett

Mrs Sweeney-Jones:
Jessica Carrington

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

English Experts of the Week ~ Molly Wood 8E

English Stars Of The Week

Mr Duncan awarded:
Molly Wood

Mrs Robinson awarded:
Jessica Pilling
Rebecca Bright
Abigail Kerner
Owen Tagg

Alex Griffin

Mrs Tierney awarded:
Molly Jones
Eva Blyth

Mr Bentham awarded:
Joshua Marshall
Alisha Roger
Ellie Houghton
Jade Thomas

Miss Higgs awarded:
Danielle Schoezel
Adam Smith

Mrs Howard-Sinclair awarded:
Nathan Turner
Athens Lloyd

Mrs Armstrong awarded:
Callum Peel

Also Awarded:
Jessica Leach