Monday, 14 December 2015

Miss Havisham's Diary

Miss Havisham

Mrs Robinson's Year 7 students have been studying Charles Dickens and looked closely at his description of the Great Expectations character, Miss Havisham. 

They were then set the task of writing a diary entry as if they were Miss Havisham.

Why not help our students upgrade their writing by any comments about 'What Went Well' or 'Even Better If...' at the bottom of the page. We would love to hear what you think!

Mrs Havisham

He’s late! I’ve been waiting for years and he still hasn’t turned up.
My dress is tattered and I think it is turning yellow,
I cannot tell.
It is really dark only the candles provide light
And my eyes filled with hope that one day he will return.
I do not move from my stool I am very patient,
I can wait.

J. Naylor

Miss Havisham

Dear diary,
This is the day when I was rejected those horrible forty years ago. In all of these forty dreaded years I have been in this very room ever since my one happy day; even that turned out horrible! The shame thinks I’m a chair, it likes to sit on me.
It is not fair, the love of my life doesn’t know what he did to me! It is really unfair.

J. Hooton-Forester 

Miss Havisham

Yo, you’re all rubbish, I won’t even bake you radd-ish, uh, yeah. Last time I saw you, you bailed away and left me, jailed to sway, uhh, yeeeeeah. Now I’m in me dress, left in this stress of this eternal time, did that even rhyme?

Got a little boy, Pip be his name, he was rather scared , just the same. Came to meet and greet, he ain’t see ma’ feet ‘cause it left under this dress, surprised I ain’t deaf though. Speaking of the dress, I’m a bit skinny and but I’m not that fiddly.

Yo, it’s Pip gonna whip you up a rhyme yo, so let’s go bro. I am Pip made to satisfy Havisham’s sick fancy, but she’s just sick in general lookin’ like she’s supposes to be in a funeral, looks dead as a doorknob but still walkin’ as she talks to me, tellin’ me to play like I ain’t baby. Heard of her story, makes me a bit sad but not my fault her guy bailed out.

Miss Havisham got left to sway (oh yeeeeah) but I ain’t putting’ my dress away (dress away) ‘cause it reminds me of the struggle that changed my life since I’ll never be a wife. Got pip playin’ in the corner (Yeah, playin’ in the corner) now I’m gonna sit down and look at myself in the mirror, now that I’VE DESTROYED YOU.

Sit down miss Havisham and look at me, eyein’ me up and down is a bit creepy . Dressed in my blue rags, ain’t  mindin’ much, just came her for a job and I’m not gonna shut my gob. I’m a young and wild spirit, not literally though, but lookin’ at you I think you might be. So I’m really scared, down own an iron bough So I’m afraid I can’t  van-quish you.

E. Shaw

Miss Havisham

I remain paralysed, stale in this dressing room, unmoving. Frozen in the same spot. My dress is frail and yellow with ongoing years. All the white of life is gone. There is no sign of it’s presence. My eyes don’t see the times of happiness, the times of joy. Instead I sit… frozen in time, waiting for it all to change. A dozen thoughts swam through my mind, taking over my soul.

A. Bennett

Miss Havisham

I never leave this room. I wouldn’t even leave if this building was on fire. My wedding dress is ripped and stained, but I don’t care. My clocks have all stopped, just like my lonely heart. Nothing in this world will make me happy again. The joy in me drifted away like a bag in the wind when he left me. Why do I still care about him; why don’t I just move on? I can’t. He is the only love in my life. I will either pass away weeping in this room or happily with him. He left me at our marriage and I haven’t seen him since.

J. Rumsey

Miss Havisham

I will sit in this room and wait for my love even if he shall never come. I shall never move from this arm chair. Why should I? I will only be disappointed again. My dress is old and withered. My flowers are dead like my inside. There is no reason to be happy anymore. He left me! One my wedding day! He will come he has too. I will be forever lonely without him.
M. Barker-Boulton

I am sitting in this room, lonely; that’s how I like to be. Left alone. All because of one stupid man who made me like this. I still have hope. Maybe one day he’ll come back.  He wasted my life. I will not move; if this means I die in this old, worn-out chair I won’t bother, I have no future. I’ve given up. This time in my life is depressing. I shall never smile again. Why should I?
L. Watson

Miss Havisham

Dear diary,
          Today is the anniversary of the day that my partner showed his true colours. Let’s just hope that I can get through today, although now I know what a stupid man William was. At twenty-to-nine, all clocks will stop, to show everyone what pain I felt at that exact time thirty six years ago. However, here I sit… constantly waiting… waiting… waiting for William to come back. Here I sit… in my ripped up yellow-ish, tattered wedding dress and vail. Here I sit… scaring anyone who passes by…

A. Kerner

Miss Havisham

I will sit in this chair, In this room, in this house. I will not change out of this withered, creased dress. The light is dim just like my heart, all alone and that’s how it will be. Why should I smile? No one ever comes to see me not even him. 

B. Pearce

Miss Havisham

Why should I be happy? No one cares about me, especially William Compton. I’ve sat in our dorm room since the day he abandoned me. I am miserable and I always will be. I will never smile till the day I die. I cry floods of tears until I realize no fairy god mother will save me from my miserable world. There was a painting g on the wall of our first date but I threw that out like our relationship with a tear between us. I sit in my old brown chair, head in my hands looking at my grey wrinkly skin hidden by my gorgeous fishnet vail. I will not stand cause of the blisters covering my feet, but I will not refuse to remove my diamond crested stilettos. Hanging from my shoulders is a dress only the vicar saw. For protection I wrote my future initials on the small ripped label but I will not change my name until the day he arrives to call me his wife. The clocks are broken like my heart. I changed the time to when the ruby inside my body shattered into crystals. If I hear a tic I will unfreeze and I will cry like I did on that day of devastation.
S. Ratcliffe

Miss Havisham

What is the point of life anymore? Why should i smile? Why should i move?  I feel betrayed, now and always, but one day maybe my waiting will make me happy. One day, my love of my life may come back to me. Nobody can tell me what to do. I will wait if I want to! It is like my life is not wanted in the outside world anymore. My dress is ripped just like my heart. I am lonely. I will never be seen or happy unless my lover comes back to me! However, for now, I am the sad Miss Havisham, and I always will be.

J. Pilling

I am angry, I am distraught. One day I will get my vengeance. My clocks are frozen in time, as am I. I am forever in an endless loop of the traumatic events that happened on my special day. I am in a nightmare I will never wake up from. It is dark as I don’t want anyone to see me like this. I try to forget it but I can’t. I will never be as I used to be. I am bitter, I never smile. There is no reason to anymore. I am lonely, I will sit in my wedding dress and wait, to see if he will ever come back, ever love me again. I live in an enormous house, but I will stay confined in this room, in my chair as my horrible wedding day has paralysed me and I will never get over the shock of that day. I wish I was dead. There is no reason I want to live for. What have I done to deserve this terrible fate? I will never forgive him for ruining my life. Revenge will be mine!

D. Simmons

Miss Havisham

My breath feels constricted; my body feels frail; and my whole sense of hope is disappearing through my lifeless, grasping fingers; and yet my supposed carers say my life has been full. In my opinion, my livelihood should have been ended at the starting days of my misery.

My wedding dress has become baggy but I cannot help but dwell on the dreams I once had. It seems so pointless to give up now, everyone already despises me. Even my workers talk ill of me behind my back. So what have I got to lose. Alas, my long gone lover.

 R. Bright

Miss Havisham

I am all alone with no one to talk to. I sit in the same chair for years on end hoping, praying that my love will finally come to me after so many years of depression. The anger is unbearable from my wedding day onwards I can barely cope with the tragedy that happened. My eyes are filled with hope but everything else about me feels anger and hatred after what happened on my supposed special day.

J. Trivass

 Miss Havisham

I await in this room, the atmosphere is dim. I have no friends, no, family, no one to talk to. These past phew years I have spent in this room have been the most painful years of my life.This rancid room is makiking me more chlostophobic as tye days pass bye due to the foul smell of my pale rotting body and my surroundings.WHY? Why do I bother living in this nightmare of a life. I still await for him to come back,I know he wont but I guess im just relying on hope now.

J. Fairhurst 

Mrs Havisham

I sit here, waiting for a shimmer of hope to fly through my window.
My dress is tatty, my face is yellow, I feel shallow.
The events that shall haunt me for eternity are still fresh in my mind, plaguing me forever.
I shall never forgive him for the crimes that he committed against me.
He betrayed me! I refuse to let go, for he ruined my life.

The dress that I longed for him to see hangs wrinkled on my shoulders.

A. Griffin

Miss Havisham

I sit in this room and wait for my lover to return. My dress used to be crisp and white but now it is faded and yellow. I am forever depressed. I am Miss Havisham. I’ve never smiled since that day. It is hard to speak without my emotions taking over. I am Miss Havisham. I have withed with my dress over the time. Everything that was white has now faded. I am Miss Havisham. 

E. Hodgkinson

Miss Havisham

I sit. Not moving. Waiting for him to come. Waiting to be named Mrs.Compton.Im as still as a stone. Why should I move? Darkness is my home and I will never leave. Why should I? My dress drapes over the side of my great arm chair. My dress is a light yellow now and shrivelled up. Why did you not come?

A. Sim

Miss Havisham

I sit in this room day by day, night by night. All I eat is stale bread. I never smile, why should I? It was years since William crushed my
hopes and dreams. I sit here hoping to see him come back one day. I am as dead as my clocks. I died at 8:40 just like my clocks. The mice scatter round the room eating the crumbs of the stale bread. But still all I can think about is William.

L. Pritchard

Miss Havisham

      I am Miss Havisham, I’m still waiting for him to return;
I miss him; I loved him. I still do. My brain is stuck in time but my body is not. I am aging, starving and tired. I will never move from this chair, I will never change out of this dress. One day my wedding will go on. I have stared at the clock for years on end now. At twenty to nine we were supposed to be married. But the clock stuck there. Just like I’m stuck in this   chair. Why should I move?
Because I am Miss Havisham and I am still waiting

for him to return.

C. Woods

Miss Havisham

I sit, waiting. My lover never came. I need some com
pany because I am lonely and stale. I sit in this tatty, old, yellow dress, which was once white, hoping he comes today or tomorrow or the next week. But, alas, he never came. I never became Mrs William Compton. I miss him lots but he left me on our wedding day. But I still hope. I feel like I need him more now as my departure day nears. He needs to see me but departure day is almost here. I miss him. Is he here?

A. Wilkie

Miss Havisham

I sit in my room, eternally waiting for dear love to appear on the outside of the door. I wait for William, day and night. The amount of time I have spent waiting has caused dust to settle on my dress. The start of the day to the end of the day, I wait. I am waiting. The gail rushes through the open window and silently around the room. A teardrop ran down my face and the sky went black. The house creaked, it is getting old and I fear it will fall down like a house of cards. The deadly silence filled the area around the house. Waiting. Waiting.

L. Sudworth

Miss Havisham

I wait in this room for the one I love most. This macabre room consuming my insides, like there is nothing left of me. Tick. Tick. Tick. My body is as thin as a stick and I can barely move because of the sparse amount I have eaten. Tick. Tick. Tick. Happiness and brightness have flown away from me even though there is still hope for me and him. All that I have with me now is devastation and darkness. My heart has sunk to the bottom of my dress where all the rips and faded colours linger, there is nothing to keep my heart alive; no happiness, no love, no laughter or fun just boring me and my sorrows. Tick. Tick. Tick. This waiting has made me remember what will happen shortly, the clocks will stop at 20 to 9. This has made me question myself: why am I doing this for someone who left me on my special day. My one chance of a new life has been thrown away, I guess I will stay in this dress forever because he will never come, never has, never will, I will never see the wonderful world again because of him the destroyer of my dreams and ambitions. Tick. Tick. Tick.  And all I’m doing about this is keeping myself locked up in my dusty, bleak dungeon with everything I have lost. Ding! Ding! Ding! Oh No! 

A. Knowles

Miss Havisham

Dear Diary,

As of today, I’m still sat in this room and I feel like I want to sit in here until my love arrives. I won’t move even though I feel extremely lonely. Some people who come in my room probably think that I could possibly be dead: Philip Pirrip. He looked very frightened when he first saw me. (He was probably the most scared person I’ve ever come across).

After going with Pip, I waited for a few minutes to see if my love would appear. 1 minute no 2 no. I felt distraught! I would never smile again. Why should I? Because no-one ever smiles to me!

A. Smith

Miss Havisham
Dear Diary,
                              Once I wish my love could come running to me but no.  I am a stale loaf of Bread just staring as I grow mould and my dress dissolves as these days go by my pale face grows whiter and whiter.
I thought my lover would be knocking but no it was a short figure he stepped in I Heard his little speech his name was Phillip Pirrip.
He was a weird little chap, always staring like… a spy.

C. Carmichael

Miss Havisham

Waiting. I will stay in this room until he comes. There is no reason to be happy anymore. He will come. The clocks and I will not move until he does. Sitting here is where I will stay until I see his face. My dress is yellow and tatty and ripped but it will only get worse if he does not come. Life is ruined. Happiness has no meaning to me, I will never smile. He never came on my special day.
E. Halliday

Miss Havisham
Once again I’m sat in my dusty old dress waiting for come back but he never comes. I keep waiting though, because one day he may come back to me. I sit in my old dress, even though it’s tatty, because it reminds me of my one time of happiness. I think that, if, I stay in this dress I will be frozen in my time of happiness and never have to enter the outside world again. My servants see to all my needs so I don’t have to do anything. I don’t even smile, why should I? I don’t need to; I have nothing to smile about.

E. Meredith


Still I am here today years after, it still brings tears to my eyes. I sit in the darkness in hope. After all these years I am still waiting for my lost love to return. My dress of yellow that used to be white is all worn and tatty. I refuse to move and will wait in sadness. I am embarrassed of what I have become. How could someone ruin my special day! I sit in my chair, my head  buried in my hands, recalling every moment I remember. It was tragic. The flowers in my hair are all dead, like me inside. I just want to go back to the day when I was              happy. In my head I imagine what it is like to smile but I don’t want to, there is no reason to smile…why should I? I am stuck in a nightmare, I can’t wake up… I will never wake up. My veil is still dragging on my knotty hair and my heels are broken and scuffed at the bottom.
I have no flesh on my veiny, bony hands and I cannot bare to look at them I will wait as miss Havisham.

L. Malone

Miss Havisham


Why have I been cursed with this pain? Why can’t I get a fairy tale happy ending? The worst part is I have been drowned in my own pain and sorrow that I have become a bitter old lady. I feel so statue like, so dead to the world. For a first few weeks, I sat waiting for him to come back, to come back to me. I can’t move on, I am frozen in a life full of disbar. Every time I try to move on a dagger sinks deeper into my heart waiting till the day it can rip it open. The clocks never move from the day the first crack in my heart appeared. Always, icy tears stroll down my bare cheeks always reminding me about that dreadful day, that killing moment. Nobody knew my pain and nobody will ever know it like I do. Sadly, that’s my undoing so I am left to be a bitter old lady.

P. Gorman

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