Monday 30 November 2015

A Winter Scene

Can you guess which of the winter scenes below our Year 7 students are describing?

There are amazing, colourful lights. He could smell the cold fresh air. The tall trees are thrashing. he could hear the kids playing, the howling of the wind and the dog barking.

He could touch the snow. The trees are gently waving with the wind and snowman. It was a cold, wintry, raw December night. All the trees were bashing really loudly. It was only 2pm. The trees are covered in crunchy snow with a beautiful, glowing star on top. There is a church in the background. 

I was walking slowly passed a wooden house when I could smell the tasty Christmas dinner. Plus the house was covered in icy, frosty snow. I saw how bright the huge tree was. It had rainbow coloured-lights. As well as that I could see...a snowman with a black hat, an enormous, orange nose and a creepy face. Nearby was a dog and people with a wooden sledge. Car tracks indicate where its come from.

The snow is so icy and chilly as I gaze into the rainbow-coloured, blinding lights. My eyes stare into the glow of the huge tree. My snowman looks like a real life man in a coat of silver-white snow.

The Christmas dinner is so amazing that I can smell it outside. I wanted it so much that I could taste its sweet, tenderising texture making me want to run in and scoff it!

The children are playing with the toys they have got on Christmas day. Most of the kids would go snowboarding to show their Mums and Dads how good they are at it. They can enjoy the rest of the day of fun on Christmas day. 

I'm walking slowly in the street surrounded by delighted people and minuscule snowflakes. As I'm walking the whistling wind is biting my ears and the glimmering lights are glowing like fireflies.

As I'm crossing the majestic, mystical bridge, I can smell the aroma of Christmas dinner coming from the chunky, smoking chimney. Also, I can hear the Christmas carols and taste the minuscule snowflakes falling from the chilly sky. 

I can see the shooting stars zooming in the dark night sky, showing off all his light.  

As I forced myself to push against the whistling wind, I could see young kids running past me as quick as a flash and their faces are happy as if it was already Christmas day. Th dark blue sky surrounds me with shimmering lights from people's festive decorations from the freezing and snow-white walls. 

It was only 8pm and young kids were still out making colossal snowmen and having snowball fights which could go on all day since there was enough snow to cover all of the calm sea and people are rushing up steep hills with their sledges. 

Firstly, the crystal, multicoloured Christmas lights flitter in the whistling, wild wind. As well as the dull, miserable Christmas tree I can see snow covered roof tops. 

Unbelievably, daring children are creating an icy snowman on the snowy rooftop.

Friday 27 November 2015

Over The Line Book Study - Session 2

Session 2 - Over the Line by Tom Palmer
Task 1: Response to Chapter 1

Students were asked to answer the following questions:

1.Why was it important to Jack for his team to win?
2.Who were they playing against?
3.What was Jack’s dream?
4.Who was Larrett Roebuck?
5.Why did Mrs. Roebuck hand the players a note?

Task 2: Character Profile

Students read information about Larrett Roebuck and Fred Bullock.
They then chose a player to write about and completed the factfile for their player, including the information they found in the text. 

Cerys Jones

Corey Leadbetter

David Blundell

Nicole Birchall

Regan Bamber

Thomas Dean

Thomas Palmer

Joe Jones

Thursday 26 November 2015

English Expert of the Week!

Each week, every English teacher nominates a student as their 'English Expert.' These are students who have gone above and beyond, had outstanding achievement or generally stood out from the crowd. 

Drum roll, please...

Mrs Daniels awarded 


Mrs Twist awarded


Mrs Armstrong awarded


Mrs Robinson awarded


Miss Sweeney- Jones awarded


Tuesday 24 November 2015

English Experts of the Week!

Each week, every English teacher nominates a student as their 'English Expert.' These are students who have gone above and beyond, had outstanding achievement or generally stood out from the crowd. 

Drum roll, please...

Mrs Daniels awarded 


Mrs Twist awarded


 Miss Higgs awarded


Mr Bentham awarded


Mrs Armstrong awarded


Miss Tierney awarded


Mrs Robinson awarded


Mr Duncan awarded


Thursday 19 November 2015

Over The Line Book Study - Session 1

Session 1 - Introduction to 'Over the Line' by Tom Palmer

Task 1
During session 1, we analysed the book cover to see what clues this gave us about what the book would be about.
Here are some off their thoughts...

Task 2

Then, moving on to read the blurb and the section on page 133 "About Over the Line," we made our informed predictions about what the book may be about. 

Kieran Liptrot
It is an accurate story about Jack Cock playing for England and scoring England's first ever goal after WW1. Everyone else will call him a coward because other men were fighting and he was playing football.

Reanna Barwise
The author wanted the book to be accurate because its a true story. The story is about Jack Cock, his dream of being a footballer but instead having to join the army. 

Luke Gibson
I think it is about Jack's life because he fought in the war. It is based on a true story. 

Joe Jones
I think Jack will like playing football but he may have to join the army. The he will regret it.

Regan Bamber
I think in the story, they're going to play football in the trenches. Jack is going to teach them and tell us how he scores.

Thomas Palmer
I think that Jack will start off as a footballer and then be moved to a new job protecting his country from the Germans in World War 1.

Joe Jones
I think Jack will like playing football but will have to join the army. 

Nicole Birchall
I think this book will be about soldiers fighting in world war 1 and Jack playing football.

Cerys Jones
I think this book will be about the 1st world war and what happened. It will be about Jack's life and his first England goal.

Corey Leadbetter
He was a professional footy player. Jack was a real person who I think goes to fight in the trenches but his dream is to play for his country. 

Thomas Dean
I think it will be about World War 1 and about Jack Cock. It will be about scoring his first ever international goal for England after the war. 

Task 3

We considered the introduction to the novel and what our personal response would be.

Kieran Liptrot
When I grow up, I want to be a footballer because I play for Wigan Athletic now so I want to be a footballer and I'm good at it. 

Reanna Barwise
When I grow up, I would like to be an actress or a midwife because I like to act but all of my family were midwives at one point. 

Luke Gibson
When I grow up, I want to be a gamer because my brother is doing it and I am never off my PS3, Ipad and Iphone.  

Joe Jones
I want to own an exotic pet shop because I have always loved animals like macaws (parrots), snakes and reptiles.

Regan Bamber
I would like to be a footballer manager because I could help the players get better and I have the skills. 

Thomas Palmer
When I grow up, I would like to be a journalist because you will find out more about the world's mysteries and stories. Also, I would like to be a YouTuber because I would see and meet amazing people. 

Joe Jones
I think Jack will like playing football but will have to join the army. 

Nicole Birchall
I would like to be a hairdresser because it is a well paid job and I like playing with people's hair. 

Cerys Jones
I would like to be a police woman because it would be a good job and you are helping the world to be safe. 

Corey Leadbetter
I want to be a golfer or a football player because you would be rich, famous and popular. 

Thomas Dean
I would like to be a professional rugby player because I like playing rugby. 

Joey James
When I grow up, I want to be a football player because you get lots of money. I want to play for my country. 

To finish, we read chapter one.
You can listen to Tom Palmer (THE Tom Plamer not ours!) here...

Wednesday 18 November 2015

LRC Lunchtime Clubs

Are you looking for something new and exciting to do during your lunchtime break?

The LRC have two new clubs on offer. Take a look at the posters below and come and join us!

Hope to see you there...



Puzzlers & Brainteasers

Year 11 Personification

Mrs Robinson's Year 11 class were working on descriptions last week focusing particularly on personification. Here are examples from their classwork...

Megan Dooney
The leaves fell slowly, as though they were descending a spiral staircase. 

Lewis Kelly
The wind strolled through the town, picking up leaves and the odd piece of rubbish before peacefully leaving them to rest. 

Michael L.
The leaves were falling, falling fast. Winter is here: death is certain.

Elisha Haslam
The mood saw things no one else saw, both in the night and in the day.

Ben Winstanley
The lightning poked down its long, electrical fingers into the ground. It struck whatever it could.

Gently tiptoeing from the sky, careful not to make a sound, layer upon layer of snow, clings to every object it comes in contact with.

Morgan Longworth
Thee lightning struck down with its fingers, gripping the lives of innocent people.

The rainbow leapt across the land with a spring in its step.

Connor Gibson
The moon is watching over the earth, like a tiger stalking its prey. 

Harry Pickavance
The black trees snapped their fingers in the brutal wind.

Michael Dixon
The moon twirls around the earth, always glaring at it.

Morgan C
He delicately dances down to the floor, reflecting people's unhappy faces, trying to encourage happiness. He comes out every night, stealing with his delicate dance.

Matty Garvey
The lightning: frustrated, scared, angry, the emotions explode, as though they've been hidden for a long time. 

He was furious. Striking down with his fists of death.

Shining down on the earth: she was beautiful.

Jacob F
The leaves were marching down the path, like soldiers getting ready for battle. 

Daniel Haynes
Striking the earth violently, the lightning rushes through the midnight sky, like rain in a weary winter's day.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

The Snowman's Journey

Winter is this half term's unit for Year 7 English classes. 

Mrs. Howard-Sinclair's English class have been working on their descriptive writing skills. 

They were asked to describe part of the Snowman's journey in the video below.


Here are some examples of their descriptions.

Cameron - Year 7
As I temporarily tried to get up the mountain, a freezing frost fills my mouth with cold Christmas snow. I can see bright lights coming from the dark, deserted town. I was searching for the most perfect present for my true love.

As I return to her, I will have to face the terrifying, terrible trees. I am weary. I want to be home where I can smell the tasty Christmas dinner, where my mouth waters with wasted drool. It is finally over my love, like the present I found her, flattered and pleased with it. 

Bradley - Year 7
As I cross the babbling brook, I could feel the finger numbing water hitting the skimming stone I stood on. The wind rustled through the trees like Jack Frost on a rampage. The arctic snowflakes are falling on my head making me feel like I have brain freeze. The taste and the smell of the Christmas dinner that awaits me cheers me on my tiring travels. I can see the gigantic shop peeping over the horizon like a chequered flag at the end of a vast race. 

Athens - Year 7
As far as the eye could see was a sparkling land of crunchy white snow with icicles hanging like sharp teeth dangling from the trees. I glided along as the wintry wind passed by.

Dylan - Year 7
I see snow covered trees and boring, bleating sheep who are coming over to me as I hear snapping branches in the whipping, winter wind. I can taste the melting snowflakes as they go in to my mouth but I am determined to get a present for my lovely Mrs. 

 Fraser - Year 7
As I crossed the frosty, freezing bridge, I could taste the frozen, frosty air. It made me shiver. Then I can feel the frozen, frosty water. The calm, gentle snowflakes melt in my mouth. The I hear the winter wolves in the woods and the tingling, tiny bells hanging on a tree. 

Symone - Year 7 
My eyes sparkled when I saw the amazing, snowy trees and mountains because of all the freezing snow it was covered with. When I'm going through the wintry woods I can taste the frozen flakes coming down. As I walk wearily to find the shop, the sun comes out and I could see the shop on the horizon. 

Brandon - Year 7
As I slithered like a snail watching the crystal-white snow flakes tumbling from the tall trees on to a blanket of shimmering snow. I could hear the freezing wind propelling me forward.