Friday 27 November 2015

Over The Line Book Study - Session 2

Session 2 - Over the Line by Tom Palmer
Task 1: Response to Chapter 1

Students were asked to answer the following questions:

1.Why was it important to Jack for his team to win?
2.Who were they playing against?
3.What was Jack’s dream?
4.Who was Larrett Roebuck?
5.Why did Mrs. Roebuck hand the players a note?

Task 2: Character Profile

Students read information about Larrett Roebuck and Fred Bullock.
They then chose a player to write about and completed the factfile for their player, including the information they found in the text. 

Cerys Jones

Corey Leadbetter

David Blundell

Nicole Birchall

Regan Bamber

Thomas Dean

Thomas Palmer

Joe Jones

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